Inca Trail To Machu Picchu 4D


Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is beyond a doubt one of the most beautiful trails in America and also it gives you an unforgettable experience not to be missed. The Inca trail leads through the protected wild nature of the Peruvian jungle and forest-steppe, passes several archeological Inca sights, and offers impressive views. The Incas used this itinerary for their pilgrimage to the sacred citadel Machu Picchu. Cusco – Ollantaytambo – KM 82 – Wayllabamba – Warmiwañusca – Pacaymayo – Sayacmarca – Phuyupatamarca – Wiñayhuayna – Inti Punku – Machu Picchu – Aguas Calientes – Cusco


  • Enjoy the simplicity of a comfortable, pre-booked trip.
  • Travel surrounded by amazing landscapes on the way to Machu Picchu.
  • Finish the program with an unforgettable visit to the Inca citadel, Machu Picchu.
  • Enjoy panoramic views of the Urubamba River from twice the height of Huayna Picchu.





The adventure begins in Cusco, Peru. Before leaving the hotel, make sure you are carrying your original passport and ISIC card, if student. Travelers are picked up at around 6:00 am. from their hotels and start a spectacular scenic drive through the mythical Sacred Valley of the Incas, with beautiful views of the Urubamba river, picturesque Andean villages, and the Inca fortress of Ollantaytambo. Along the way, we might stop at Urubamba or Ollantaytambo for last-minute supplies, leg-stretching or to use the restrooms, before continuing to Piscacucho. In Piscacucho, kilometer eighty-two, you will get acquainted with the rest of the crew and the porters who will be carrying the camping equipment. This point is where our hiking trail begins, it is also the location of the first official Inca Trail checkpoint. After clearing the gates and crossing a suspension footbridge across the Urubamba river, the trek begins with a gentle climb. Following the course of the river, the first three hours are on relatively flat terrain. Superb views of the snow-capped peak of Wakay Willka known as Veronica can be observed, as well as the Urubamba mountain range, which divides the jungle and the Andes. You are now approaching the Inca fortress of Willka Raccay.

After lunch, you will continue hiking towards the extensive Inca settlement of Llactapata (Patallacta on some maps) and appreciate the impressive farming terraces of this complex. The Inca trail follows the left bank of the river up to the village of Wayllabamba at 9840 feet above sea level (3000 masl) where you will enjoy dinner and camp for the night. :: Buenas Noches amigos! (about 5 hr. trekking 12 Km/7.5 miles)

DAY 2:


Early wake-up call, with hot tea, brought to your tent, in order to prepare for today’s trek, which is considered by many the hardest. You need to complete a steep ascent reaching an altitude of 13779 feet above sea level (4200 masl) at Warmi Wañuska pass. After breakfast, we depart from the campsite at around 07:00 hrs. The uphill hike through Llulluchapampa will give you the opportunity to appreciate several species of birds (with luck you may see falcons, hummingbirds, or black-chested eagles). From here the trail traverses a beautiful cloud forest full of Polylepis or Queñua trees, before entering the Puna, a zone characterized by treeless grasslands only found at this altitude across the Andes. Walk at your own pace, stop as many times as you like, to catch your breath or to stretch the muscle.

The last hard climb takes us the right to the highest pass of the Inca trail at Warmi Wañuska. Once at the top you will be rewarded with spectacular views of the Andes, the Huananay massif, and the surrounding snow-covered peaks. You will also feel a great sense of accomplishment after conquering Dead Woman’s pass. Remember to have a warm jacket and your beanie at hand, when reaching this altitude, as temperatures may drop drastically. After a deserved rest, continue traversing the slopes on the left side of the valley all the way to our campsite in Pacaymayo at 11811 feet above sea level (3600 masl). You will find toilet facilities here. (about 6 – 7 hr. trekking)

DAY 3:


Possibly the longest day of Inca trail hiking but one, that will bring splendid landscapes and views. A perfectly scheduled cup of hot tea will follow the wake-up call at around 06:00 hrs. Enjoy breakfast with your trekking comrades and prepare yourself to hike along well preserved Inca pathway, for the most part being original. Start with a steady ascent to the second highest pass at Runkurakay reaching 12400 feet above sea level (3780 masl) and passing through a circular inca control point, which occupies a commanding position overlooking the spectacular Vilcabamba mountain range below. Catch your breath and realize the rest of the Inca trail is mostly downhill.

Be careful with your knees, as the descent from the pass to the ruins of Sayacmarca is very steep and you may feel the strain at the end of the day. It is recommended the use of trekking poles, additional gel insoles and perhaps an additional porter. Take a pause at this archeological complex located at 11472 feet above sea level (3497 masl) for an in-depth tour and explanation. The name Sayacmarca means “inaccessible town” and clearly describes the position of the site, perfectly perched on the edgy rocks. The one-of-a-kind Inca trail, now a monumental structure of granite stones, continues through ever-changing layers of cloud forest, full of rare orchids, hanging mosses, bromeliads, and tree ferns. Past the Inca tunnel, a gentle climb will take you to the third pass at 12139 feet above sea level (3700 masl), offering incredible views of several snow-capped peaks including Salkantay (20574 ft./6271m) and Veronica (18865 ft./5750m).

Close to the pass you will find the impressive ruins of Phuyupatamarca (cloud-level town). A brief explanation of the mysteries of Inca architecture, before continuing along splendid paved Inca road to the impressive agricultural site of Intipata and up to the third and last campsite at Wiñayhuayna (forever young) located at 8856 feet above sea level (2700 masl). Wiñayhuayna, named after a variety of pink orchid that grows here, is the last official campsite before Machu Picchu. The most impressive ruins until this point are located minutes away, even if you are tired after today’s hike, it is a good idea to explore the Wiñayhuayna archeological or just rest. (about 7 hr. trekking)

DAY 4:


Today begins earlier than normal, after breakfast we say a farewell to the porters and set off on the trail by 04:00 hrs, in order to get to Machu Picchu. This last part of the trail from Wiñayhuayna to Machu Picchu takes about one hour and a half of hiking and is clearly marked, but you will be walking in darkness.

It is highly recommended to bring a headlamp. The path is narrow, traverses a lush cloud forest of giant ferns, and brings an almost vertical ascent of about 50 steps to Intipunku, the gate of the sun at 8920 feet above sea level (2719 masl). Suddenly all efforts until this point are rewarded with an unforgettable sight. A backdrop of natural beauty, human art, and forested peaks framing the magical city of Machu Picchu. You will have plenty of time to take photos of the Lost City of the Incas, from the classic postcard view and different angles around. A final short hike will bring us to the entrance and into the heart of Machu Picchu itself, where we spend the rest of the morning with 2 hours guided tour and some more exploring on our own.

The shuttle bus ticket from Machu Picchu to Aguas Calientes is included, departs every 15 minutes, and will be available for you to descend whenever you decide it is time to go. Just double-check your train schedule and be at the train station one hour before departure. The train ticket included departs at 18:45 hrs. arriving to Ollantaytambo at approximately 20:18 hrs. It is recommended to upgrade your train to Vistadome service, giving you more train departure times and superior seat comfort for the ride back to Cusco. Whichever train station you arrive at (Ollantaytambo or Poroy) transfer from this location to Cusco will be provided. You will arrive to Cusco at around 22:30 hrs. with the included service. (B)=Breakfast; (L)=Lunch ; (D)=Dinner Important note: Campsite allocations are subject to change depending on availability provided by the National Institute of Culture (government office in charge of the Inca Trail).


  • Professional English Speaking Tour Guide
  • Assistant Tour Guide for groups of 9
  • Pick-up in your hot6el
  • Train to Km104
  • Return transportation by train and bus to Cusco
  • 1 Breakfast, 1 Boxed Lunch, 1 Dinner. If you have a dietary request such as vegetarian food please let us know.
  • 3 Star Hotel
  • Oxygen bottle for emergencies.
  • First aid kit for emergencies.
  • Entrance to the Inca Trail and Machu Picchu ruins.
  • 2 Bus tickets for the second day (Aguas Calientes -Machu Picchu – Aguas Caliente).


  • Water
  • Breakfast on Day 1 and lunch and dinner on Day 2
  • Entrance to Huayna Picchu Mountain
  • Tips
  • Travel Insurance – you are strongly recommended to take out travel insurance for the duration of your trip.


  • Original passport and migration card.
  • Wear shoes or light shoes or tennis shoes.
  • Waterproof (long poncho) in rainy season (November to March)
  • Long sleeve shirts.
  • Long pants.
  • Bottle of water “canteen”.
  • Sunscreen, wide-brimmed hat for sunny days.
  • Sunglasses.
  • Medicine and / or articles for personal use.
  • A small backpack.
  • Camera or video camera.
  • Have checks and coins on hand in small denominations soles or dollars.





Category 3 Stars
Category 4 Stars
Category 5 Stars


Griselda G
Griselda G
Trip to Cusco 2024 I was in Cusco for 4 days, traveling with friends, we visited Pisaq, Ollantaytambo, the archaeological park of Machu Picchu with the company Peru top Expierence. From Paraguay, the organization of the trip was in charge of the guide William Silva, super attentive to doubts and with the necessary information for the tour. In Cusco he welcomed us again and then we stayed at Prisma Hotel, good service. Then to go to Pisaq, to the train station in Ollantaytambo and to Machu Picchu, another guide from the company, Mr. Carlos Alfredo, accompanied us. In Aguas Calientes we stayed at the Andino hotel. Good attention. Good gastronomy in general, except the place called El Maizal that includes the bus tour to Ollantaytambo, from there they either change places or include a personal lunch in that day's tour. Super recommended @perutopexpierience to discover the wonders of Cusco! The flight from Lima to Cusco was by Jetsmart. Regular care. Many requirements for foreigners regarding luggage but not so much for nationals. They should improve that.
wonderful cusco We did several tours, Humatai lagoon, mountain of seven colors, Machupichu, sacred valley and the logistics were perfect, they met the pick-up times, the guides provide very interesting information about each site and the visits are spectacular, each one has a charm that fall in love
Majesus A
Majesus A
Peru...... Fabulous and Unforgettable trip A magnificent trip, we visited Machu Picchu and Cuzco, and other cities like Lima, Puno or Arequipa. Phenomenal organization, great guides and good accommodations. A unique experience thanks to you!
Kiera C
Kiera C
Highly Recommend This company and tour was incredible. They were there to help every part of the way! I really enjoyed my time at Machu Picchu with Eduardo :)
Carmen C
Carmen C
Inolvidable!! Hicimos varios tours laguna de Humantay, Montaña de 7 colores, Valle Sagrado, Machupicchu y City Tour, la coordinación estuvo muy bien, no tuvimos problemas ni con traslado o reservas, los guias fueron muy amables y los almuerzos y desayunos que eran parte del tour eran diversos y abundantes. Excelente servicio. Como recomendación revisar bien los horarios de los tour ya que inician super temprano 4:00am y terminan tarde, así que considera hacer 2 tours laguna y montaña y dia 3 valle sagrado que es mas tarde 7:30am y regresando de Machupicchu haz el tour por la ciudad en la tarde para descansar la mañana. A nosotros nos funciono perfecto! ;)
Alejandra M
Alejandra M
Vale 100% la pena ir Todo increíble! El guía daba información del lugar y detalles, pudimos probar también los diferentes chocolates y es un lugar que debes visitar si estás en Cusco. El guía siempre amable y nos tomó fotos a todos :)
Juan Sebastián O
Juan Sebastián O
Excelente servicio Todo estuvo Perfecto, 100% recomendado!! El Guia fue muy amigable. Excelente servicio todo desde el principio hasta el final.
Christian S
Christian S
A great adventurous journey! If you would love to explore the surroundings of Machu Picchu but you're worried the 4 day hike might be too hard for you, this is the perfect option. We had a great time, beginning with the convenient and comfortable communication with our guide Manuel who supported us to organize the transport to the start of the treck and the hike itself was a unique experience that we don't want to miss. The hike itself rewarded us with the perfect first view on Machu Picchu on day one and we had the whole second day to explore the whole side more in detail. Accomodation, Food, Transport and a great guide is included in the price. Thanks to Manuel it was an great adventureous journey - thanks for that.
Lupe R
Lupe R
Fenomenal El Viaje fue excelente desde la llegada a Cusco hasta terminar en Lima. Nuestro Guia Hernan fue muy informativo, paciente y obeservativo y muy bien preparado para todos los viajes que tomamos con el. La Agencia preparo hasta la mas minima necesidad. No tengo mas palabras para calificar nuestro viaje solo que fue lo maximo. Todo fue Excelente!!
Maribel A
Maribel A
Inolvidable Una experiencia inolvidable, divertida y buen trato. Buena opción para la próxima aventura cuento contigo.

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